Welcome to the Jer-Share!
This blog brings you k-12 Ed-Tech to help
enhance your classroom!
Computer coding is a reality for your students future. Check out
some of the job stats from 2016 that I took off a slide at the ICE
is another stat showing the huge lack of CS students. We have such a high
demand for these jobs that we bring in thousands of H-1B workers from other
countries to fill them.
Let's fill these jobs with American citizens. It all starts with
us normalizing computer programming through early adaptation in instruction.
Major Universities have created free programs with full, non-intimidating

Take some time to look at some of the easy CS activities you can
have with your class.
(I'm always willing to help you if you have
Entry Level - Block - Coding - k-6
- This is
the best place to start
- It is the
home of the hour of code.
- It has
character driven block coding with Frozen, Star Wars, and Angry Birds
- It also
has courses to move to late stages of coding
- Site with
different lessons to teach coding
- Includes
pre-reader coding lessons built off directional arrows
- Also, now
has an App!
- Block
coding that it’s core lets you interact with cat like character
- Has Ipad
- Can use it
in conjunction with something like Hummingbird Robotics
- Let’s you
create apps, games, animations, and more
- IOS app
that lets you build animation through games and block coding
- Can Publish
What You have Made
- Tynker
gives students self paced lessons that start in block coding
- Kids earn
- Starts
with explanations and how to videos. Then kids play mini-games
Real - Coding for grades 7-12
- Ipad App
to teach Apple’s coding language
- Can start
from very basic and get more complicated
- Uses
Puzzle’s to teach concepts
- Also, has
a full curriculum to teach coding in Xcode
- A coding
club curriculum that revolves around boxes delivered to you with
lessons, stickers, and more
- A
Multiplayer Game Where students type real code to advance through levels
- Works with
several coding languages
- Has
teacher login to see progress and access lesson plans
- Has
courses focused around real code where you build real products
- Has good
tutorials every step of the way
- Works real
well with HTML and JavaScript
- See the
work and effect in real time
- Courses on
coding languages that use real world examples
- For
instance, you can build the flip board homepage.
- Has MANY
different coding languages
- Bits Box
are monthly boxes that bring new coding activities to the users door
- Basically,
ask you to build apps on a virtual tablet with real code
- Code with
- Works in a
similar way to Garageband. Different musical concepts become the code!
- Can choose
different languages
- A coding
site where you can code art, music, or games
- Can use blocks and then switch it over easily to text
- Website
with lots of different coding curriculum to hit any level
- Also has professional development
Tangible - Real life coding activities
- Sphero is
a robotic ball that you can do LOTS with!
- That
includes coding
- Two great
block coding apps Lightning
Lab- can block code and has over 100 lessons for studentsTickle- A
little simpler block coding app that allows you to work with Sphero as
well as other coding type products
- Coding
Robot with simple interface that takes you all the way from Pre-Reader
to Swift, Python, and Java
- Climbs
- Has color
code sensors to give it Ozobot capability
- Takes a marker in order to Geometric Shapes
- ****The first person to send me a picture of their students coding gets a prize! Rudolphj@nbcusd.org
- Leveled
activities where students code the movement of the character Awbie
- Students
code using block coding with real blocks
- Puzzlets
is a coding game where you put pieces in order in the game board in
order to move a character
- Has one
app so far called Cork the Volcano
- Great way
for really young to start coding
- Put pieces
of the caterpillar in an order to make it move
- An easy to
use programming robot that’s great for young kids
- Program it
by hitting the arrows on the top of it
- Robots
that function by following marker lines
- Code
happens when have different colors in continuous lines
- A coding
robot that it corded into your computer
- Works with
both Snap and Scratch
- Snap has
coding language that is easier for young students
- Create
robots out of crafts with these electronic components kits
- Has
software program that goes with it called Create Lab that makes
programming easy
- Open
source computer platform that you create electronic projects and objects
- You have
to code what functions you want the electronic project to do
SenseHat Tutorial Slide Deck
Raspberry Pi