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This blog will bring you k-12 Ed-Tech to help enhance your classroom!

8 math-and-science-simulation-resources
PHET Interactive Simulations https://phet.colorado.edu/ -The mother of all simulators. There is something here for every science and math content area. On the surface it might look like it's only middle and high school but they have an elementary section that is perfect for our little learners. They also have apps for Apple and Android.
CK-12 Flexbooks-https://www.ck12.org/student/ -One of my favorite resources on this list, these are open source, editable textbooks that come with tons and tons of simulations. You can create your own textbooks and resources or use what they have as a framework. And it's all completely free.
Molecular Workbench-http://mw.concord.org/modeler/index.html This is an installed program that is more for the upper high school student but still valuable as a demonstration for lower levels as well. Lots to choose from here.
Google Sky-https://www.google.com/sky/ -Ever wonder what the stars are in the sky? Or have you wanted to see the planets up close? Google Sky is the place to do it. You can even tour the moon and see the original landing sites of the Apollo missions. Take even Google Sky further but using it inside Google Earth.
Gizmos-https://www.explorelearning.com/ -Another one of my favorites, there are over 400 simulations for math and science at all grade levels. Some are available for free while others due require a paid account. Definitely worth it.
Virtual Chemistry Simulations-https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/highschool/chemistryclubs/activities/simulations.html -Looking to see how chemical reactions happen and work without the threat of burning down your classroom? Then this is the place!
NASA Simulations-https://www.nasa.gov/connect/apps.html -This is a collection of apps from NASA for all things science and astronomy. A wonderful collection.
Visual Fractions-http://www.visualfractions.com/ -This site won't win any design awards but does have lots of great simulations and activities for Elementary and Middle School students on all things fractions.

How to ReMake Your Classroom and Inspire Hands-On Learning in the New Year.

Google Calendar: Create a Curriculum Planning Calendar

Become a google search pro! Google search has many options you may not know about to enhance your search.

Getting Started with Google Classroom for the first time. (Video) Ask me if you would like help setting up, or a better understanding of what google classroom is.

Liven up your instruction with gif pictures!

Not finding it in google images? Check out this free image search engine!
Create polls and quizzes within videos! Make your own video, or find one on youtube and quiz or poll your students while they watch!

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