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This blog brings you k-12 Ed-Tech to help enhance your classroom!

Pizza, PDH, Networking... Oh My! Join @StateLineICE April 18 from 5-6:30pm for #PatioPD at Old Chicago in Rockford to share ideas and grow your use of #edtech in the classroom.

Extra Extra - Read all about it! Get Ed-Tech PD starting next week!

Pizza, PDH, Networking... Oh My! Join @StateLineICE April 18 from 5-6:30pm for #PatioPD at Old Chicago in Rockford to share ideas and grow your use of #edtech in the classroom.

May 11: Tech & Learning Live Chicago
For any tech initiative to not just survive but thrive, IT and curriculum leaders must share the same goals. Tech & Learning Live Chicago on Friday, May 11, 2018 will focus on the question: “Curriculum & IT: Can This Marriage Be Saved?”. This one-day conference for school leaders will address this issue through workshops, demonstrations, and panel discussions that can help both sides better understand each other’s challenges, improve collaboration, and support a district’s instructional goals through powerful uses of technology.

June 11-15: Summer Institute @IN2
Learn about Innovation & Entrepreneurship June 11-15, 2018 at the Illinois Math and Science Academy (IN2@IMSA). Classes throughout the week include Entrepreneurship Thinking, Designing Innovation Spaces, Makerspace Fast Start, Makerspace 3D Printing and Micro Controllers, and Design Thinking. All workshops will be held at IN2 located on the campus of IMSA at 1500 Sullivan Road in Aurora, Illinois. To learn more about IMSA and its programs, visitwww.imsa.edu.

June 2018: Summer Academy 18
Summer Academy 18 is coming to a location near you. The Innovative Curriculum Resource Project, headed by Illinois State University and funded by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, to facilitate and coordinate Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, is pleased to announce Professional Development opportunities for Summer 2018. $50.00 registration fee, includes continental breakfast and lunch. Please visit our website at www.ilcte.org for more information or pre-register today.
- June 18-19 Springfield, Illinois
- June 21-22 Edwardsville, Illinois
- June 25-26 Addison, Illinois

June 19-20: New Directions in Education Conference
The annual New Directions in Education Conference provides top tier speakers on relevant topics at an affordable rate and at a centralized location. This year's theme is Making Connections. Topic strands on June 19 include Trauma Informed Schools, Homelessness, and Social Justice. June 20 conversations will revolve around Building Communities, Harnessing Social Media, and Technology for Collaboration. The Directions Conference is hosted each year by the Area 5 Regional Offices of Education in their continued effort to improve instruction and pedagogy, with the ultimate goal of impacting student learning.

June 23: Tiny Tech Young Learners Conference
Join the The Technology in Early Childhood (TEC) Center at Erikson Institute, ISTE Early Learning Network, and Illinois Computing Educators (ICE) and the Illinois Learning Technology Centers on Saturday, June 23, 2018 for Tiny Tech: Young Learners Conference; a day of play and learning with technology tools, including robotics, tangible technology and apps. Spend the day exploring early computational thinking and coding with the latest screen-free and screen-based tech tools and designing developmentally appropriate plans for introducing these critical skills. The ISTE Early Learning PLN and the Erikson Institute’s TEC Center will be leading the workshops. Add this workshop onto your ISTE registration OR register for it separately ~ you do not need to register for ISTE to attend this workshop.

June 23: Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurial Thinking
Join ICE-IL and the team from Illinois Math & Science Academy on June 23rd in a fun and unique space for a full-day workshop focused on Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurial Thinking. Entrepreneurial thinking cuts across all subjects and connects what is learned in school to the real world. We'll examine the entrepreneurial mindset, how it intertwines with academic standards and impacts all learning activities. Instructional methods and curricular examples are demonstrated for grades 6-12 in STEM-oriented subjects & extra-curriculars. Lunch will be included. Add this workshop onto your ISTE registration OR register for it separately ~ you do not need to register
for ISTE to attend this workshop.

June 24-27: ISTE - The Epicenter of EdTech
ISTE is coming to Chicago! Immerse yourself in powerful ideas and inspirational speakers, while connecting with innovative educators who share your passion for transformative learning. Enjoy four full days brimming with interactive, inspirational and highly relevant professional learning opportunities. Register for ISTE 2018! Early bird rates are available now through May 1st. Jerry here: Its Sweet prize Friday! The first person to send me an email with the subject line Sweet Prize Friday, gets a prize!
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